Metaphysical Manifesting
Intuitive Lightworker, National Speaker, Metaphysical Teacher, and Bestselling Author Lisa Kessler helps you use metaphysical tools to turn your dreams into your reality!
Metaphysical Manifesting
Divine Course Correction
Lisa Kessler
Season 1
Episode 45
Lisa talks about how missed opportunities can really be the Universe nudging you onto your path.
Sign up for a free Q&A Zoom session with Lisa: https://calendly.com/lisakessler/metaphysical-manifesting
Join Lisa's Metaphysical Manifesting Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/metaphysicalmeetup
Find out more about Lisa's Manifesting Mentorship program: https://www.metaphysicalmanifesting.net/manifestation-mentorship.html
Do you have manifesting questions? Send them to Lisa here: http://www.metaphysicalmanifesting.net/contact-us.html
Get all the details on the Manifest Your Best Life Retreat: https://www.metaphysicalmanifesting.net/manifest-your-best-life-retreat.html